Visual Studio Error: Registration of the app failed. Another/The current user has already installed a packaged version of this app.

This error in Visual Studio has some complicated solutions online, but a simple way can fix the problem. Only the package causing the problem needs to be deleted.

  1. Login to the user account causing the problem
  2. Open PowerShell as administrator
  3. PS C:\> get-appxpackage -all    (to find the FULL package name as described in the VS error)
  4. PS C:\> Remove-AppxPackage example1_1.0.0.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe

More Information:

This error can happen if you deploy your app for testing in/from multiple user accounts, or you use different user accounts to build and test apps. Or if you decide to play around with your user accounts.

You will see this kind of info in the error message – copy it to notepad or something:

The conflicting package is <<YourApp package short name>> and it was published by CN=<<publisher ID>>. (0x80073cf9)

Using only PowerShell opened as administrator, this package can be removed.

If the error says “ANOTHER USER”,  rather than “THE CURRENT USER”, then login to the other user that you think is the one that has the package installed.

Then, use the PS command to get all the app packages. you may need to >cd C:\

PS C:\> get-appxpackage -all

There will be so many – best to copy the whole output text into notepad or something, and search for the app name in the Visual Studio error message. Copy the FULL app name.

example: package1_1.0.0.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe

Then use this command to delete the package

PS C:\> Remove-AppxPackage package1_1.0.0.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe

Try again to deploy the app from Visual Studio.

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